Grateful for Interruptions: A Thanksgiving Reflection on Matthew 25

This Thanksgiving, as we share our gratitude for all the blessings we’ve been given, STF Abby Burns reflects on the gifts in her year of service. Chief amongst sanctifying blessings in life is the way that the Lord stretches and forms our hearts for the gospel. In this blog post, Ms. Burns shares how her year of service has stretched her heart to find Christ in other people and the everyday interruptions she experiences.

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The Faith at Romero Academy: School Highlight

This fall, the Seton Teaching Fellows recruitment team packed up and headed down to Cincinnati where we had a chance to visit with students, staff, and families at Romero Academy. We encountered an inner city Catholic school where a young and dedicated staff from varying backgrounds came together to support a unified vision of uplifting education immersed in the Catholic faith.

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Man’s Need for Mission

Men are made to be leaders; they have the natural authority of fatherhood in their essence. When men are on mission, they pursue and serve what is good and communities flourish. Here’s a call for young men to see what they have to give and receive by serving on mission.

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St. Anselm and Fr. Mike Eguino: Parish Highlight

Our lay apostolate wouldn’t be able to serve without the Church’s foundation. Thankfully, we’re blessed to have amazing priests, religious partnerships, and parishes to build up our fellows! Get a tour of the beautiful St. Anselm, and meet Fr. Mike Eguino who supports our South Bronx Fellows.

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Free Will and Error in the Classroom

To be an authority in the classroom requires authenticity, and that includes choosing to acknowledge our mistakes. Teaching students the gift of error, and how to respond freely and virtuously to it, is a necessary facet of the Christian experience.

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