I did not expect to be here. In this city, in this mission. And when I did say yes, it was when the threat of COVID in the States was little more than a rumor. Despite the changes that COVID has brought, I am very grateful to be here now with these children, parents, staff, housemates, and larger community. Yes, COVID has been a time of darkness, but in this year of mission I have witnessed so much joy and resilience in our children that my sense of hope has been sustained.

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Hard Gifts

My year as a Fellow has challenged me more than I thought it would. When I came into this year, I thought that I knew what it meant to surrender.

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Pursuing Sanctity in Community

My main consolation during COVID has been community. My year as a Seton Teaching Fellow opened with a 14-day quarantine upon entering the Bronx and this period of seclusion created a strong culture of prayer in the men’s community.

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