Reflecting 2020: My Fiat Year
By Jenny Saloio (Cohort 7) At the very beginning of 2020 I chose the word fiat as my word of the year. Fiat in Latin

All for His Kingdom: Humility, Giving up my Will for His
Therese Drake is a current Seton Teaching Fellow serving on our Operations team at Brilla Caritas Elementary School in the North Bronx. She graduated from

The Call & The Mission
By Nico Silva – Cohort 7 THE CALL Anyone who knew me at Thomas Aquinas College could tell you that I was ready to go

The Potter and the Clay: God’s Hand in Community
My friend Abram sent me a post on Instagram: “God is the potter, gently molding and piecing things together with His love, and He’s piecing you back together.”

Moments of Prayer
By Rebecca Morris (Cohort 7) Becca graduated from the University of Dallas, where she studied Biology, Drama, and Biopsychology. She currently serves as a Seton

By Matt Lines (Cohort 7) “Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened