Director of Marketing & Engagement

Pray as though everything depended on God. Work as though everything depended on you.
- St. Augustine
Christine Warner is the director of marketing and engagement, working with the senior director of marketing and engagement to support all of Seton’s schools and programs. She brings over ten years of experience developing marketing strategies and campaigns for agencies, brands, and nonprofits. Throughout her career, she has managed branding and marketing campaigns for Catholic elementary and high schools in the Archdioceses of Boston, Detroit, and Los Angeles. Prior to her nonprofit roles, she worked at Uber as a regional marketing manager for the United States and Canada markets. Her agency experience includes working at the content marketing agency Skyword and the digital advertising agency Digitas for clients including Samsung and Dignity Health.
Aaron Brenner ❘ Abby Burns ❘ Abby Jones ❘ Ale Slingerland ❘ Ali Apfel ❘ Ana Vasquez ❘ Andrew Ketchum ❘ Carol Cunningham ❘ Carol Cunningham ❘ Christine Warner ❘ Clare Fay ❘ Colleen Vaughn ❘ Connor Pietrzak ❘ Cynthia Valencia ❘ Daniel Palombo ❘ David Mata ❘ Diana Amador ❘ Elizabeth Reckart ❘ Elliot Hachey ❘ Emilia Chornay ❘ Emily Brooks ❘ Emily Gilbride ❘ Evan Vautour ❘ Fr. Mark Haydu ❘ Gabrielle Ramirez ❘ Grace Palumbo ❘ Hannah Lafiosca ❘ Jack Wright ❘ Jennifer Hall ❘ Jenny Garcia ❘ Jenny Kibrick ❘ Jessica Lovinsky ❘ Jhonell Williams ❘ Jill Limongi ❘ Jolleen Wagner ❘ Juliana Odame-Arhin ❘ Kari Hancock ❘ Katie Hernandez Akers ❘ Lena McGovern ❘ Margaret Rippe ❘ Maria Valencia ❘ Maria Vazquez-Cordova ❘ Mary Grace Hamilton ❘ Matt Salvatierra ❘ Maura Friddle ❘ Michael Carbone ❘ Molly Murphy ❘ Olivia Lang ❘ Patrick Sitzer ❘ Paula Pineda ❘ Quinn Greene ❘ Reyes Claudio ❘ Ruby Amezquita ❘ Sandra Céspedes ❘ Shanelle County ❘ Stephanie Saroki de García ❘ Stephanie Villamor ❘ Teresa Martin ❘ Tess Lane ❘ Trevor Sorensen ❘ Valerie Guerrero ❘ Yael Nurko ❘ Yeime Valle ❘ Zoranlly Burgos ❘