Senior Director of Curriculum & Assessment, Brilla Schools Network

Follow the grain in your own wood.
- Howard Thurman
Shanelle County is the senior director of curriculum & assessment for the Brilla Schools Network. Prior to her career in education, she worked with UNICEF where she managed initiatives aimed at reducing health disparities and improving educational outcomes in underserved and marginalized populations, specifically serving adolescents and children. Shanelle chose to pursue a career in education because she believes education is public health: educating hundreds of children on a daily basis to ensure that they have the knowledge to make great life decisions will result in a healthier population in the long run. Shanelle previously served as a classroom teacher, instructional coach, assistant principal, and most recently the director of elementary content at Brilla. She takes pride in working with beautiful and intelligent children who are a daily reminder of her younger self. In her role, she prides herself on the impact that she has on students, teachers, and leaders through high-quality, comprehensive, informative, and beautiful work. Shanelle has an undergraduate degree from Boston University and a graduate degree from Hunter College, both in Public Health
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